
To apply the filter, use the following option with pandoc:

$ pandoc --filter pandoc-beamer-multigraphics


In the metadata block, specific set of classes can be defined to change image elements to become multi-images using the \multiinclude command of beamer.

The metadata block add information using the pandoc-beamer-multigraphics entry by a list of definitions:

  - classes: [multigraphics]
    format: pdf
    width: 10cm

The metadata block above is used to use multi-images ability for image elements which have multigraphics class. The format used will be pdf and the width will be \textwidth.

Each entry of pandoc-beamer-multigraphics is a YAML dictionary containing:

  • classes: the set of classes of the images to which the transformation will be applied. This parameter is mandatory.

  • format: the image format

  • width: the image width

  • height: the image height

  • start: the starting number (0 by default)

  • end: the ending number (infinity by default)

It’s also possible to set the paramters for each image using the pandoc attribute notation.


Demonstration: Using pandoc-beamer-multigraphics-sample.txt as input gives and image output file in pdf.

Image files used:

The Tux junior image has been created by Stephen Groundwater under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

$ pandoc \
    -t beamer \
    -V theme:Warsaw \
    --filter pandoc-beamer-multigraphics \
    -o docs/images/pandoc-beamer-multigraphics-sample.pdf \